Make a Difference with Skills

Excitement is building as five Nova Scotians prepare to leave for France to compete for Team Canada in the Abilympics!

Discover Abilympics March 24-25 Mertz, France

The concept for the Abilympics was born in 1972 in Japan, drawing inspiration both from the “ Worldskills ” competitions and the Paralympic games.

A contraction of the words Abi-(lities) and (O)-lympics, the name Abilympics refers to a simple association: one of professional skills (abilities) and of an Olympian spirit (Olympics).

45 years ago the idea of organizing a competition dedicated to highlighting the professional skills of persons experiencing disability was born.

The first finals took place in Tokyo with the motto “acquiring professional skills opens a path to a brilliant future”.

Widely covered by international media, this major event allowed persons experiencing disabilities to display their true potential and their capacity to contribute just as much to the development of our societies through their professional skills.

Having learned from this first experience, Japan organized the first international competition (International Abilympics) in 1981, as a commemoration to the International Year of Persons with Disabilities promoted by the United Nations.

The success of these first “International Abilympics” led to the organization of a second edition four years later, in Bogota, Colombia. The same year, in 1985, a decision was made to create an international organization to promote and perpetuate the Abilympics movement: the IAF (International Abilympics Federation).

Let's take a look at the individuals representing Nova Scotia on the Abilympics Team Canada

Image Source Skills Canada Nova Scotia of Hadia Bedoui

Hadia Bedoui will be competing in Electrical Installations at the 2023 Abilympics!

Hadia is a mother of 4 and is currently studying to become an electrician at NSCC Ivany Campus.

Hadia has enjoyed learning how to use European supplies for her competition.

She's been practicing, watching YouTube videos, and studying French regulations for electrical work in preparation for her journey to Metz, France.

Hadia and her husband co-founded the Ignite Soccer Club, a club that encourages youth to be active while providing high quality training. The club also focuses on having a diverse coaching staff, so that youth from all backgrounds feel welcomed.

Image is of Liam Crane who will be competing in Team Cooking

Image Source Skills Canada Nova Scotia of Liam Crane

Liam Crane will be competing in Team Cooking for the 2023 Abilympics in Metz, France!

Every team needs a savvy veteran presence and this year that’s Liam.

Liam began his Abilympics journey back in 2017, where he competed in Team Cooking at the TaitajaPLUS in Helsinki, Finland.

Upon returning from Finland, Liam completed the culinary arts program at the Nova Scotia Community College, and opened his own restaurant, Soaring Crane Sushi, in Elmsdale, Nova Scotia. Recently, Liam was awarded the Young Entrepreneur of the Year at the East Hants and District Business Excellence Awards!

Image is a picture of Alisha MacRae

Image Source Skills Canada Nova Scotia of Alishia MacRae

Alishia MacRae will be competing in Welding at the 2023 Abilympics hosted in Metz, France!

Alishia has been welding since September of 2021. Her interest was sparked when she learned all about the rewarding job opportunities in skilled trades through Women Unlimited.

Picture of Jennifer Robinson

Image Source Skills Canada Nova Scotia of Jennifer Richardson

Jennifer Richardson is a one of our competitors from Prescott Group, she works at 2 Crows Brewing, and she will be competing in Photography at the 2023 Abilympics in Metz, France!

Jennifer has had a passion for photography since she was young and told her mother after graduating high school that she wanted to pursue that dream.

Jennifer is currently being mentored by Matt Madden, MaddenVallis Media.

Image Source Skills Canada Nonva Scotia of Andrew Thorne

Andrew Thorne will be competing in Team Cooking for the 2023 Abilympics hosted in Metz, France.

Andrew is active member of the community. He has participated in Special Olympics floor hockey, bowling, golf, and swimming.

Andrew is the second competitor from Prescott Group where he has worked at for the past 18 years. Andrew started in the mailroom, and after receiving a promotion, moved to the bakery, and has loved every minute since.

Cooking and baking has always been a passion for Andrew, as he would hand out chocolate chip cookies to students, staff, and professors when he worked at Huron University. The warm smile on his face, paired with the excitement to hand out these delicious treats made him well known as the “Heart of Huron”.

Andrew’s adventurous spirit has taken him all over the world and he is looking forward to visiting France for the first time.


2SLGBTQIA+ people with episodic disabilities focus group